Learn about NCDA’s different projects and see how we can help.
Office for Victims of Crime, Training and Technical Assistance Center (TTAC)
May 2017 – Present
Dr. Riley is a professional consultant for OVC TTAC and has been enlisted to co-facilitate a 4-week webinar series titled, “Program Evaluation”. The series is a comprehensive webinar to assist victim service programs and management. The webinar is a part of the National Victim Assistance Academy (NVAA) Effective Management Series. The webinar and support activities are on-line and aide adult learners in understanding key evaluation terms, techniques, and application.
Dr. Riley also assisted in a Tribal-focused financial management course.
New Mexico Department of Health – Tribal Roundtable
Mar. 2023 – May 2023
Assisted in Planning and Executing an In-Person Roundtable Discussion for the New Mexico Department of Health. Played a crucial role in planning and developing the agenda for the State Health Improvement Plan (2020-2022) roundtable discussion with tribal leaders. Gathered crucial data from the meeting and other sources to create a technical report encapsulating the responses and future course of action for collaboration between the Department and tribal stakeholders.
Pathways to Leading in a Community of Learners
May 2018 – May 2022
The “Pathways to Leading in a Community of Learners” is an in-depth research project to explore the state of current tribal school boards and community expectations and relationships.
New Mexico Indian Education Curriculum
Sep. 2018 – Jan. 2022
Currently developing culturally responsive Social Studies lesson plans for 1st Grade Units.
Native American Social Work Studies Institute
Feb. 2017 – May 2019
This group of professional Native American Social Workers has come together to develop a Native-specific undergraduate and graduate level curriculum. We will work to establish a sound curriculum that enhance efforts in working with Native American/Alaska Native families and their communities. This initiative is supported by New Mexico Highlands University.
Health Care Advocate
May 2016 – Dec. 2018
Dr. Riley provides health care advocacy services to Native American consumers of Indian Health Services in New Mexico. Health care advocacy services include attending patient treatment team meetings, ensuring HIPAA compliance is adhered to in sharing sensitive patient information, ensuring patient needs and questions are being addressed, ensuring fair and impartial treatment of patients, to name a few.
Tribal Court Clerk Symposium
Oct. 2018 – Dec. 2018
New Mexico Immunization Curriculum
Apr. 2018 – Oct. 2018
The New Mexico Immunization Program Curriculum Project is underway and involves the development of a 2-module training document to assist Community Health Workers/Community Health Representatives in teaching clients/patients the benefits of immunization. The curriculum also offers information about vaccines and addressing chronic disease and illness in immunization initiatives.
Project COPE
Dec. 2014 – Sep. 2018
The COPE Project will involve providing training and technical assistance related to the NM DOH Office of Community Health Workers, CHW/CHR/Promotora Curriculum Project. Collaborators on this Project include Project COPE team members and the NM Department of Healthy, Office of Community Health Workers, and Gallup Indian Medical Center.
Grants Cibola County Schools – Data Analysis
Feb. 2017 – Jul. 2018
Dr. Riley is contracted by the Indian Education Program at Grants Cibola County Schools. The current contractual services requires an analysis of Indian Education data for the school district. The final report will be presented to stakeholders for short-term/long-term Indian Education needs. Previous work conducted for the school district was to develop a student survey based on student social/academics/cultural needs, to name a few. The results were analyzed and presented to the Indian Education Office, tribal stakeholders, and Indian Parent Advisory Committee members. The data was used to support the upcoming Title VI application for the district.
NM Department of Health Curriculum Project (CHWs/CHRs/Promotoras)
Jan. 2013- Jul. 2018
The NM Department of Health, Office of Community Health Workers supported the development of an 11-module curriculum for Community Health Workers, Community Health Representatives, and Promotoras.
New Mexico Department of Health, Office of Community Health Workers Digital Curriculum
Apr. 2018 – Jul. 2018
The New Mexico Department of Health, Office of Community Health Workers (OCHW) has initiated the process of digitizing their current state-wide certification training curriculum. This project involves condensing the current training curriculum to a digital training tool.
NB3 Evaluation
Feb. 2017 – Jan. 2018
The NB3 Evaluation Project was successfully completed. Evaluation tools developed include a pre & post youth survey tool, parent/guardian survey, and staff assessment. A user guide was also developed for staff to implement the survey tools, collect and analyze data.
Professional Services Consultant
Mar. 2013 – Dec. 2017
Currently provides professional services to Fox Valley Technical College, National Criminal Justice Training Center Projects that support Bureau of Justice Assistance Tribal Grantees. Services include need assessment development, program evaluation tools, tribal grantee mentoring, and technical writing.
Native Health Database
Mar. 2013 – Dec. 2017
Native Community Development Associates provided services to the University of New Mexico, Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center, Native Health Database Advisory Board.
Institute of American Indian Arts
Oct. 2016 – Dec. 2016
A grant writing curriculum will be developed and taught to students in a 6-week course.
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Mescalero Agency
Jun. 2016 – Oct. 2016
Native Community Development Associates was awarded a contract to develop a Noxious Weed Plan and Environmental Assessment for the Mescalero Apache Tribe. Native Community Development Associates was awarded a contract to develop a Noxious Weed Plan and Environmental Assessment for the Mescalero Apache Tribe.
SORNA Research Project
Nov. 2014 – Oct. 2016
The Tribal SORNA Research Project in Indian Country is funded and supported by the SMART Office and managed by Fox Valley Technical College.
NM Department of Health, Epidemiology and Response Division, Asthma Curriculum Project
Jan. 2015 – Aug. 2016
The Asthma Curriculum will be a specialty training track targeting NM Community Health Workers (CHWs) and Community Health Representatives (CHRs). Successful completion of the curriculum will incorporate core competencies of the existing draft CHW Curriculum that is intended to satisfy NM CHW Certification requirements.
University of New Mexico, Health Sciences Center
Jan. 2015 – Apr. 2016
Two draft policies were developed for the Health Sciences Center. The process for developing each draft involved meeting with a core team of providers and employees and facilitating conversations related to current university and center policy gaps/needs in the area of cultural competency and research practices.
Gallup Indian Medical Center – Domestic Violence Prevention Initiative
Jun. 2014 – May 2015
The Gallup Indian Medical Center, Domestic Violence Prevention Initiative (DVPI) is finalizing their “Building Healthy Teen Relationships” Curriculum. Native Community Development Associates is the consultant selected to assist in revising their draft curriculum and developing their final project evaluation report.
Santa Clara Pueblo Behavioral Policy and Procedure Development
Sep. 2014 – Dec. 2014
The Santa Clara Pueblo Behavioral Health Department sought to develop a Behavioral Health Policy and Procedure Manual. The Project included research and drafting a 21-chapter policy for staff, consultants, and interns.
Santa Clara Pueblo Community Library Evaluation
Nov. 2014 – Dec. 2014
The Santa Clara Pueblo Community Library Evaluation Project involved data collection and analysis of the Pueblo’s Institute of Museum and Library Services Enhancement Grant.
First Choice Community Healthcare Curriculum Development
Jul. 2013 – Jan. 2014
The First Choice Community Healthcare Curriculum (FCCH) Project involved the development of a 4-module curriculum that was used as an employee training tool to enhance skills and knowledge in the field of customer service delivery. This project was in collaboration with Soda Creek Consulting Services.
Hopi Health Care Center SANE Initiative
Apr. 2013 – Aug. 2013
The Hopi Health Care Center SANE Initiative involved the development of a SANE protocol for trained nursing staff who are responsible for the response and treatment of sexual assault victims within the Hopi Reservation boundaries.
Domestic Violence Prevention Initiative (DVPI) Project – Teen Dating Violence Curriculum
Nov. 2012 – Jul. 2013
The curriculum project involved the development of a 5-module Teen Dating Violence Curriculum targeting youth ages, 8 to 21 years old. The Project was in coordination and collaboration with the Gallup Indian Medical Center and Coalition for Healthy and Resilient Youth.
Child Welfare Home Assessment Curriculum Development
Jan. 2013 – Mar. 2013
The curriculum development project was supported by the Mountains and Plains Child Welfare Implementation Center, The University of Texas at Arlington, School of Social Work. This project involved developing a 3-module training curriculum that supported child welfare home assessors who were responsible for ensuring child safety in short or long term out-of-home placements.